
Splunk is the world’s first Data-to-Everything Platform. Now organizations no longer need to worry about where their data is coming from, and they are free to focus on the business outcomes that data can deliver. Innovators in IT, Security, IoT and business operations can now get a complete view of their business in real time, turn data into business outcomes, and embrace technologies that prepare them for a data-driven future. With more than 5,000 employees in 27 offices worldwide, Splunk is focused on creating lasting data outcomes for our customers.

From novice to expert, Splunk can be harnessed by anyone with the right training — and it’s never been easier to get up to speed. Whether you are Splunk Cloud customer or Splunk App developer there’s a path for you. If you’re either new to Splunk software or a seasoned pro, earning a Splunk certification adds value to your professional journey. In essence, if you’re simply learning your way around the Splunk platform or getting certified to become a Splunk expert, there is a learning path or certification track for you!

LearnSpectrum will help you assess your Splunk training requirements and craft a custom corporate training plan to meet your needs. 

Please call LearnSpectrum at 703.757.8200 or click Get Started to learn more. 

*Information sourced from: www.splunk.com

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